Saturday, July 3, 2010

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12 Steps Being a Web Developer

Of course you already know what that web. But perhaps there are not yet understood how the hell to make web. What should be studied to be a web developer, and how to live from professional web developers. I tried to make a list of steps you can take to become a web developer based on my experience as a web developer. Hopefully this list can help you to begin a career as a web developer. Not here at length the steps to be a web developer:
Learning Programming Languages \u200b\u200bWeb
To begin with of course you have to master web programming language. And language that dominated not just 1 just because a web programming language built on several contributing factors. The language you should learn to be a web developer is:
  1. HTML, is the most basic web programming language and absolutely must be mastered. HTML is a language for creating web interface that you see in the browser. HTML web interface to build structures such as header, content, footer, menus, and so forth. But to create a better view with HTML alone is not enough still needed another language to create a better view.
  2. CSS, this is a complementary language HTML. Without CSS you will not be able to create a beautiful view. CSS is the language governing the layout and appearance of the web such as background color, text, font, size, and so forth. With a combination of HTML and CSS so we can create the look good and beautiful.
  3. web scripting languages \u200b\u200bsuch as PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, Python, and others. This programming language is the language we will use to build web applications. If it was HTML and CSS is the builder of the display of the web scripting language then this is a web application logic controller. This language connects us with a database web applications and process input output from our application. We suggest you choose a language to be explored. I suggest using PHP as the language is the most widely used to create web applications. With its open and free of charge then we easily learn and create web applications with ease. Completeness PHP documentation and tutorials are also very much so you'll have no trouble learning the language on this one.
  4. SQL, a database scripting language. A database is a data processing application that stores data for use with our web application. There are a variety of databases such as MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and other databases. It is recommended to choose one to be explored. Although SQL is a standard scripting language by studying a database but one of the existing database scripting then we will be facilitated in a store, manage, and provide output data with the availability of the functions that will help you work with databases.
  5. Javascript, a scripting language running in the browser. The language is learned is not absolute, but if you want to create a web with animation effects, and the web a more interactive then the javascript will help you. Compared with flash to create certain effects, I prefer Javascript. Why, because it still requires the Flash plugin installation, while Javascript is supported by default by a modern browser.
Learn Web Programming Techniques Case Settlement
example how programming relates to date, how to connect the web with other applications, how to access the database, and various other techniques. By knowing the programming techniques and solving cases of web programming then you can more effectively in programming your web application.

Learn Good Web Development Method
There are many methods of development such as RUP, Agile, and USDP but essentially focuses on the analysis, design, development, and testing. Perform application development with the stages above. Perform analysis of what is required by this application, then design your application first before doing the coding, do development or coding, and testing it before release or didelivery. You can go back ketahap earlier if necessary. What matters, determine its own best method in accordance with your self.

Learning Process Figure
Why? Because with pictures so we can provide faster and more effective than a long description in text. Simply learn Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Firework, which is the most common software for web image. Learn how to create images such as icons, backgrounds, patterns, and other images. Actually not a necessity because to create images for web display because it is more likely is the work of web designers. But if you bs create images for the web it will be more help than you should ask your friends for help for your web images.

Use Framework
framework is a set of functions and libraries to facilitate programming you. Use the framework in accordance with your programming language. For example ASP use. NET Framework. Ruby with Rails Framework, Python with the Django Framework, and PHP is much more like the Prado, Symfony, CakePHP, and other frameworks. Do your research and determine the framework of your choice which one would you use it and understood better framework. Do not be too much to move the framework because you will not gain the maximum benefit because a fragmented understanding. So specify the framework of your choice according to interest, and techniques that you can enjoy.

Learn Techniques Optimizing Your Application
For your application to run faster and responsive then you should be able to do the tuning or optimization. Learn good web programming techniques, solving the problem of effective programming, tuning and optimizing databases, and web server optimization.

Learn Web Server will be very useful if you learn the web server so you can know how to run your applications on the web server. Or how to how to optimize applications on the web server. For example the use of caching module such as APC, eAccelerator, and so forth. Or use. Htaccess file to create a friendly URL or URLs more readable. By studying the web server then you can optimize your applications and add feature in the server. Learn

Hosting Control Panel
Because you will be much associated with the control panel when you hire for your web hosting. Control panel Cpanel is widely used among other things, Pleks, ISPConfig, and so forth. By understanding the use of the control panel so you can optimize your application on your hosting provider.

Follow the Latest Web Technology Development
evolving web technologies such as the emergence of RSS technology, podcasting, and other technologies. Learn how to create and use these technologies in your applications. Because of an outdated application will be abandoned its users as well.

Learn Project Management
An application development is a project that must be set, planned, and carried well. By studying the project management so you can collaborate with others in developing applications. You can also obtain the effectiveness and efficiency of time in completing a project.

To Improve Your Ability, Always Hone your ability with Web Applications Working
Whether work or personal project. Because more and more applications that you create then you will be the better ability. Develop and realize your ideas into a final aplikasi.Yang, do not want to always be a web developer who only work on projects of others.

You Must Make An Application Things to cite this as a Product or Service You For Being Your ability
Products and services can you sell so you can gain from your skills and enjoy the results. Compared with other people working on the project are kept and paid per-project would be better if you work on a product but you get the result of continual product provided you have good selling points.
That's the basic steps to become a web developer in my experience. Above step is not enough, only the basic steps only. Hopefully the list above can be your adviser and can even make you a better web developer anymore. You have to keep learning and keep practicing and always accept the changes for your ability to keep honed.