Friday, June 18, 2010

Toddlercon English Manga

Auto Backup MySQL Database using + Shell Scripting crontab Crontab

Linux Shell Scripting is a series of commands written in plain text files, and text files are called to run a command in it.

Command in linux shell diverse as create / update / delete files or folders sebua, mounting, until able to backup the database.

While Crontab is a scheduling application on linux that allows for automatic execution of programs / applications / scripts with the scheduled time.

So with two Linux capabilities is a complete combination to create a backup database automatically and scheduled.

Below are step by step to make the Auto Backup MySQL Database

1. Create all files, for example In that file write linux shell scripting , as below:
v_tgl = `date +% Y% m% d_% H% M% S`;
v_name = bukutamu_ $ v_tgl.sql;
mysqldump-uroot-ppass guestbook> / home / dendie / Desktop / $ v_name;

This script is a scripting shell that do dump / backup of a database named guestbook to address / home / dendie / Desktop /

While the scripts that perform database backup is
mysqldump-uroot-ppass guestbook> / home / dendie / Desktop / $ v_name;

variable $ vname naming format file containing the results shell script that is used as the name of the dump / backup the database.

example of the backup is bukutamu_20100128_203001.sql

While the script that makes a file-naming format is

v_tgl = `date +% Y% m% d_% H% M% S`;
v_name = bukutamu_ $ v_tgl . sql;

2. Set file as
execute files sudo chmod + x

3. At the command line set Crontab / Scheduling for execution files
sudo crontab-e

then typed as below
* / 5 * * * * / home / dendie / Desktop / my_data /> / home / dendie / Desktop / auto_backup.log
The above examples make crontab / scheduling for the execution file every 5 minutes once and create logs / records to a file auto_backup.log event of trouble during execution.

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Make Lock Folder Without Software

Crontab is a program that can execute automatically when desired. The discussion this time is about how to create a crontab file. Syntax of crontab file contents itself are as follows: To create a crontab file on a user session active, you just open a terminal, then type:

crontab-e / / this to edit an existing crontab on the active session.

Then you edit the crontab file and type the syntax with the following format:

* * * * *

Explanation:-Signs asterix (*) above indicates when to run the program. Consisting of five stars, each of which means:
  1. first Stars show minute program will be executed
  2. keberapa
  3. second star clock to show how the program will be executed
  4. third star showing keberapa day program will be executed
  5. fourth Star show week program will be executed
  6. keberapa
  7. fifth star indicates how many times a week program will run if we do not replace the asterix sign everything over to the star, it will automatically be run every minutes, hours, days, weeks and months following the execution Syntax want done. For example, an example crontab is as follows:
    * * * * * rm / home / tmp
So automatically, the program will execute the above command, which is to remove or delete files residing in the home directory / tmp After that save file by pressing ctrl X , then save, the program will be installed automatically by itself. To find out whether your crontab has a road or not, just type crontab-l , then you will see the crontab program is running. How, not make it easy? please try.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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many ways done to lock a folder, from using the application without application to, the following I will lock the folder in Windows XP without using the application.


- For example, you create a folder called D: \\ TestFolder

- Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories and choose Notepad
Copy and paste the command below into notepad

ren TestFolder TestFolder. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D)
and Save the file as LockFolder.bat

- Create a new file in notepad again
Copy and paste the command below into notepad

TestFolder ren. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D) TestFolder

Save this as OpenLockFolder.bat

- Now you have two batch files. Double-click the folder LockFolder.bat and you will change into Control Panel and its contents can not be seen.

- To open a folder as OpenLockFolder.bat double click and you re the original folder Anda.note: You must run the batch file on the same partition or drive where the folder you want to lock.

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Browsing through Linux Terminal

browsing through Terminal mode linux is different from other Internet applications, when we browse through the terminal then the images that exist on a site was not visible alias only in the form of letters alone is visible. To be able to immediately use the terminal as a medium for browsing, you can follow the steps as follows.

- Open Terminal
- Install elinks, type: $ sudo apt-get install elinks
- select yes: y [enter]
- Finish ....

To start browsing.
- type the command: elinks (target). Com
- enjoy browsing like a Hacker.
- to exit press Ctrl-C.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Istqb Foundation Level Material

Prevent DOS attacks by limiting the PING response

Do you ever use the PING command? when your server there is no response or die and you want to check how the condition of your server response, then the ping command is a very simple command to mengetah ui if your server alive or dead.

this ping command if done in bulk to a specific IP sehingg SYN cookies can lead to conditions then your server will be at a loss to respond to this ping attack. On one side there are advantages in one of the other side, it can undermine the ping services that exist on your server.

How penaganannya? Not too hard and not too easy. Provided you read this and then look at Google's uncle, then will you find answer.

On this occasion, I want to give you a little trick how to deal with DOS attacks carried out by PING. Software that is needed is iptables. Suppose you have a script like this, you run on your server to complete the security on your server.

#! / Bin / sh
trusthost = '192 .168.10.100 '
myhost = '192 .168.20.200'
any = '0 .0.0.0 / 0 '
########### # # #
# Flush & Reset

iptables-F iptables-X
#Deafult Rule
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
#ICMP trusthost->myhost
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -s $trusthost -d $myhost -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -s $myhost -d $trusthost -j ACCEPT
#ICMP myhost->trusthost
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -s $myhost -d $trusthost -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -s $trusthost -d $myhost -j ACCEPT
#ssh trusthost-> myhost
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s $trusthost -d $myhost --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -s $myhost --sport 22 -d $trusthost -j ACCEPT
iptables -N LOGGING
iptables -A LOGGING -j LOG --log-level warning --log-prefix "DROP:" -m limit
iptables -A LOGGING -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j LOGGING
iptables -A OUTPUT-j LOGGING

To reject a DOS attack via PING add the following policy in iptables like this,
# iptables-A INPUT-p icmp - icmp-type echo-request-s $ trusthost-d $ myhost - m limit - limit 1 / m - limit-burst 10-j ACCEPT

From the above settings within 1 minute ping response is allowed only 10 times.
Is this enough? the answer is not.

We must also set its kernel. Perform these settings so that SYN Cookies are not applicable in your server.
# echo '1 '> / proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

or do with printah like the following,
# sysctl-w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1

Check the file / etc / sysctl.conf, if there is value net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 there.

There DOS named Smurf who also performed via ICMP ping alias as well.
For this setting your server just like the following,
# echo '1 '> / proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts

or with the sysctl command like the following,
# sysctl-w net.ipv4. icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1

Check the file / etc / sysctl.conf is there any setting like this?
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1

If there is, it means you now have secure server from a DOS attack via PING.

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Backup MySQL Data With PHP MySQL Server Monitoring

One of the programming that is widely used in the world today is PHP. PHP bergembang so rapidly adopted in the content of websites that use CMS engine. For example, it is wordpress or joomla. Both CMS is largely using the MySQL database. MySQL is a database that we can use for free.

The most important thing when we use MySQL is a data backup. This backup should we do many times for our data remains secure, in the event of damage or loss of data due to hard drive because we do not know. Here is a brief article, how to use simple PHP script to perform backups of data in MySQL.

\u0026lt;? Php

$ dbname = "oci_parse";
$ dbhost = "localhost";
$ dbuser = "root";
$ dbpass = "******";
$ backupFile = "infokomtek_com" ;;
$ backupFile = $ dbname. date ("YmdHis"). '. Gz';
$ command = "mysqldump - opt-h $ dbhost-u $ dbuser-p $ dbpass $ dbname backups. $ Dbhost = "localhost" is the host name data base we are. $ Dbuser = "root" is a user to access the database. $ Dbpass = "******" is the password to access the database. Depending on your MySQL settings, sometimes it is not required a password to connect to MySQL.

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with SHELL Script

Have you ever trouble to monitor your MySQL process? So when your MySQL down any you do not immediately know. If you feel that your MySQL is very important to always be ups and road well, then you need to monitor your MySQL process, whether down or up.
For those of you who have certainly had a Linux Server shell script. In this paper why we use a shell script, because the shell script, it can run on any OS from any shell script. Here is a simple shell script to monitor your MySQL process is down or up.

#! / Usr / bin / sh # # # script to monitor mysql #

while true do
check_mysql = `ps auxw sleep 5 done

First to know the MySQL process is running dalah to know the minimum number of processes that exist on your server.

In this script is considered the minimum prosese MySQL is 2, so that when checked with the command

auxw ps
echo "MySQL is down"
can be altered with the mail command. so that when MySQL is down, you can know quickly via email.

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Understanding MySQL tuning in 3 minutes

Currently many CMS or content management using MySQL database, . Data base Mysql database is one of the most users. Preceded by a pure open source, which later was bought by SUN launched after Enterpise version that is not 100% longer an open source software.

On this occasion, we will publish how to maximize (tuningisasi) MySQL associated with memory, logging, recovering, database maintenance, etc. so that MySQL will run with maximum and well in our server. And we will also introduce a small script to check the settings associated with the memory that we set in our MySQL.

Logging and determine the condition of the MySQL settings
the most important thing we do is the first tuning, keep track of all queries that run in a log. It is important to know what kind of query processes are running on MySQL. Is it true, MySQL we need a special tuning or settings so that the conditions that now need to be optimized. From these log records, we can also find out what kind of query is often done, so that when we adjust the settings with respect to any memory we will be more appropriate to do so. In any MySQL query sorting, select, insert, update tables, etc.. Each of these queries can be set how much memory is required, so the priority of any provision of memory we can do. Technically to record logs in MySQL is very easy. Add option -

log when you run MySQL on your server. Example is a command like this:

# safe_mysqld - log = $ logfile

/ etc / rc.d / init.d / mysqld
. Find out where the line that displays the options for running MySQL. Value

$ logfile is the name of the log and place that you want. Example is
- log = / var / log / mysql.log

Or if you just want to run with the command that is simpler, then you can do as follows.
# safe_mysqld - log

With this option the query logs will be stored in the directory / var / lib / mysql .
Checking MySQL queries Now let us run the following command:

# mysqlshow

So, is listed in the log that we have set earlier as following,

8:32:49 020 819 15 Connect root @ localhost on 15 Query show databases 15
Quit Now look who is connect to our MySQL, and query what the user is doing. From this log, of course, we can find out if if there is an attack or an intruder who entered early as possible.

Therefore we can also log MySQL monitor with a specific script when there is an incoming query that we never do. Checking MySQL process running

After the log has been well documented, not enough to know 100% how the course of MySQL on our server. Therefore, there are things we must do to find out that MySQL runs well.
First we have to do is check whether MySQL runs with a fair process. Perform the following commands.

# ps-auxxw with ease. With a script that is to send the MySQL if there are problems to your email. Does it need to be given a sample script?

There are other commands you can do, if you want to know more detail the condition of MySQL. That is, with the following command.
# mysqladmin status

result is as follows,
[root @ ns3 mye] # mysqladmin status
Uptime: 4034920 Threads: 1 Questions: 15649633 Slow queries: 38 opens: 227439 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 64 Queries per second avg: 3879

By simple we will explain the meaning of each word above,

Uptime : Long seconds after running MySQL.
Threads: the number of Threads used

: the number of queries that are made from since MySQL runs
Slow queries: the number of queries in a long time
: the number of tables that opened since MySQL runs

Flush tables : the number of flush, refresh, reload the run

Open tables: the number of table that is opened

Queries per second avg: average per-second query response

If you want a more complete condition with respect to your MySQL, run The following command,

# mysqladmin extended-status

Because the above command when run, the result is very long at all, it was not raised in this paper.
Is there anything that has not been understood?

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Utilizing Features in MySQL Query Cache Programmer

If we often use the same query over and over - again in our Mysql, then setting query_cache_size in mysql should be considered. Query_cache_size will save the queries are repeated, so that MySQL will speed up work for the same query. Because of previous queries stored in cache memory.
How to enable the query cache on MySQL: Make a check query_cache facilities Mysql us by writing:
Variables SHOW LIKE '% query_cache%'
Generate statement: have_query_cache = yes
query_cache_type = on query_cache_size = 0
query_cache_size value 0 (zero), so although query_cache active query caching feature will not be useful if the size is still Zero . How to use query_cache in Mysql:
Edit your MySQL configuration file (my.ini)

At the [mysql] add the following line:
set-variable = query_cache_size = 64m query_cache amount adjusted to our computer resource. Logically query_cache bigger the better. Restart mysql

To prove that query_cache been running repeat the above steps by writing:

Variables SHOW LIKE '% query_cache%'
Generate statement:
have_query_cache = yes
query_cache_type = on Seen in mysql already worth query_cache_size 67108864 in accordance with which we have the previous settings. Please note the scores in a multiple query_cache_size 2 (2n), ie 4,16,32,64 and so on ..
Hopefully Helpful.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

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fooled by Screen Saver ...

One day, a computer programmer eventually died. in the Hereafter he dpt honor choose would go to hell or heaven, because of his help, the database in the afterlife became more accurate.

First, the programmers were told to see heaven. In the heaven he saw the man on the deliver to our praise to the Almighty. "Ah, why worship worship ..." mind the programmer.

second option, the programmer in order see hell. And incredibly, in hell rather than fire-darting fire. but a stretch of beach. and ... sexy bikini-clad girls.

"Well, I want to come in here", shouted the programmer for joy, because he thought hell was hot and burned.

    After a few minutes in hell, the Almighty to phone from the programmer, "What?", asked the ALMIGHTY.
  1. "Liar. Hell did not you supposed to fill a beach and sexy girls. Why all this flame? "Cried the programmers who can instantly replies," Oh that. Sorry. That's a screen saver. "

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Oracle DBA Salaries in Indonesia

  • Some time ago I Calling friends who work in IT consultants. He asked whether I had a friend DBA is still fresh? He meant fresh DBA about: knowing the basic concepts and basic administration of Oracle databases. People like that usually only 1 year so working Oracle DBA, and not have OCA or OCP certification. Later placed in the customer (telco). Salary is above 5 million per month. If you perform, not much longer can raise.

  • Three years ago at my old company (as well as IT consultants), fresh out of college but have a certificate OCP 9i 3 million monthly payroll. A year later he moved to the company's competitors paid 7 million per month. One year later he moved again to the company's other competitors, I do not know how much he paid, definitely go up.

    Oracle DBA

    Some of my friends who work at home somewhere, his salary if the increase does not amount to much. In fact, wages are often lower than that of DBA-DBA new entry. It turns out that law remains in force, if you want to ride a high salary, so companies must move first.

    Stories I am above shows the range of Oracle DBA salaries in Indonesia (especially Jakarta). Please ditarsirkan its own, that's what's included low salaries high.

    Based on "Indonesia Salary Guide 2006" released by Kelly Services, Salaries DBA (database administrator) is slightly below the IT Administrator, Network Administrator, Systems Engineer; and taller than Analyst Programmer. DBA is called may be too general, not specific to a particular product (eg Oracle).
    I do not know the accuracy of the guide that was created by Kelly Services. But clearly, based on the practice of sharing with my friends who work in the IT world, Oracle DBA salaries no less (and competing) with professions others such as the Network Administrator, Systems Engineer, and others. Fetched from