Monday, June 14, 2010

Can Implantation Spotting Be Tissue

Utilizing Features in MySQL Query Cache Programmer

If we often use the same query over and over - again in our Mysql, then setting query_cache_size in mysql should be considered. Query_cache_size will save the queries are repeated, so that MySQL will speed up work for the same query. Because of previous queries stored in cache memory.
How to enable the query cache on MySQL: Make a check query_cache facilities Mysql us by writing:
Variables SHOW LIKE '% query_cache%'
Generate statement: have_query_cache = yes
query_cache_type = on query_cache_size = 0
query_cache_size value 0 (zero), so although query_cache active query caching feature will not be useful if the size is still Zero . How to use query_cache in Mysql:
Edit your MySQL configuration file (my.ini)

At the [mysql] add the following line:
set-variable = query_cache_size = 64m query_cache amount adjusted to our computer resource. Logically query_cache bigger the better. Restart mysql

To prove that query_cache been running repeat the above steps by writing:

Variables SHOW LIKE '% query_cache%'
Generate statement:
have_query_cache = yes
query_cache_type = on Seen in mysql already worth query_cache_size 67108864 in accordance with which we have the previous settings. Please note the scores in a multiple query_cache_size 2 (2n), ie 4,16,32,64 and so on ..
Hopefully Helpful.


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