Friday, November 5, 2010

Bad Circulation In Toes

Art Nouveau - Primavera mini version of the Tarot (Tarot)

Tarot Art Nouveau - Primavera Tarot wersja mini

This is a miniature version of the Tarot Primavera. Exceptional
waist, with a warm, bold colors, expressive symbolism and beautiful graphic design in Art Nouveau style. It is so beautiful deck that does not give any description of her beauty. You have to just see it. It delights all who were in their hands. Inspires deep insight in both the psyche of the person to sign for and in the future. Satisfies the conditions of universal deck, suitable for the analysis of all problem questions. T-shirt can not distinguish the position of the card.

card Dimensions: 80 x 44 mm

Art Nouveau Tarot - Tarot Primavera mini version


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