Saturday, February 12, 2011

Images Of Brown Hair With Blonde Chunks

12 luty 2011

We are once again in Argentina in a few days and try to visit some Lanin National Park, what we fail to varying degrees of success, and this is because of the worsening weather. The best views we had the first day when I went through the borders with Chile to Argentina the road, which passes just by the Park Nardowody Lanin. The road is gravel, but fairly neat, except the initial steep section the most. Views were also great, and the border control point was located directly under the volcano, which also makes nice impression.

we found accommodation in the tiny village of Junin de Los Andes, where already in those days festival is held on the occasion of anniversary of the town, who descend on the local cowboys, among other things, that gauczowie. Sa with This festively dressed in white or colored shirts, scarves and hats for this or berets. Immigrated course on horseback, often whole family, so mozlemy lick some local folklore. Are held at the stadium every day some professions, but there does not wybieralysmy for this evening wanders around the market where fair is held, with many stalls stand cowboy toys, but also with the typical "bargains" as blouses, pants, soaps, and for this local equivalent of disco-polo, which is fun for the whole. The day before we went

to another national park, located about 200 km trifle Park Laguna Blanca, a white lake. So far, I do not know why it's called, because the lake was the most blue-green, but we really liked, and views and the local fauna, ie czarnoszyje swans, flamingos and a host of other water birds. For this we were there completely alone. Well, we were able to finally see the battleship alive! Although we quickly turned away, but it was cool, so little piglet in the armor. Yesterday we went

Curruhue over lakes, large and small, in Lanin National Park. We knew that the road to them is only beaten, but not spodziewalysmy that it would be so difficult. At some point, had become very narrow, winding and uneven, with holes and stones, so we only thought was to get there in the end to the campsite, which was the purpose of our trip. We could in the end, but then the weather has changed, clouded over for good and slowly started to gather on the storms. So Zrezygnowalysmy from going on the trail, we went to the lake shore, porobilysmy few pictures and we decided to collect, because obawialysmy August, the road will become even less passable after rain. Our return was effective and no surprises, though a car looks like someone poured him half trucks of sand, which, unfortunately, is also in its interior (looks like it was everywhere), but the car still will not give in August and writes bravely. The storm, which came shortly after I went back to the hostel was not too intense, when it comes to rain, so too we are not wash their cars will. Well, you will probably find some sort of washing and vacuuming the inside of the back. Today

turn Take the lake we had Huechulafquen, also in the Lanin National Park, but here's a surprise waiting for us. On the road to the lake are conducted works and leads a tour through the recess area, where you today, after yesterday's rains, flowed a stream quite rapidly. After an assessment of its depth, realized that it could such a test will not run your car on our poor, because it might be too costly event. We decided to go to another part of the park, but it clouded over and started to rain in earnest, stocks pomknelysmy on to San Martin de Los Andes, where we are today and tomorrow. We hope for better weather, because we count on your journey continues to the next part of the Lanin National Park, but you never know how it will be.

A day after we move already in the way to Bariloche, where we offer car. We will be there again the 15th, and already on Wednesday night in the way we go by bus to Buenos Aires. In fact, we were only a few days of our trip, it's hard to believe. But as it already is ...


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