Shortly after midnight, we drove to Europe. The symbolic border post located in Wierszynie, just 1770 km from Moscow. Unfortunately - once again we pass by this place at night, so it's hard to see anything. And even harder if you happened to be asleep.
spend the day reading the guide. After all, Moscow is not far. With less than a day should zawitać in the Russian capital. Only casanova - Matthew, cities read, occasionally visiting his bride.
Zhenya is a good match, is the beauty of "girls" and knows how to knit. That is when knitting a blue scarf, which is already incredibly long. I'm wondering whether it will give to Matthew, and whether it will be long enough to connect with Brokęcinem Moscow.
transsybirskiej end of our ride is planned for 4.11 an hour, therefore we are planning to go to bed at a reasonable time. Matt talks with his bride in the language of Shakespeare, and as a straw to Germany, so the master of that speech is not. I do not quite know what he wanted to convey, but apparently indulged in a statement ".. it is the last night ..." which she understood clearly and immediately informed him that he has a boyfriend. This is a subtle that our Matthew.
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