begin our last day in the capital of the Middle Kingdom. Around eleven o'clock we leave occupied by the last 4 days room (leaving there to Asia and mega snoring Hispanic), quick visit to the hostel and you can store luggage "move to town." We Mariankami we reach with the subway to the Qianmen gate, which closes to the south the famous Beijing square. Unfortunately - hits at its peak you can not - the object being renovated. We walk around the square so full of Chinese, who probably feel proud, they should come to be citizens of such powers. We pass the mausoleum of Mao, which can be visited from 8 to 12 and only two days a week (hours receptions like the Russian embassy in UB) and reach the gates of the Forbidden City. Before the entrance of a huge portrait of Mao. Why you Chinese people worship him so? With a nationwide hunger, which at one time consumed tens of millions of victims? Is the "cultural revolution" by which many intellectuals were killed, the land was leveled, and monasteries were the great hunt for the "capitalists"? Not Czaje this, but OK - after all, not only in China is to me incomprehensible. We return
free (not "shaky", as in Kazik) step Wangfujing Street, which is famous for its luxury boutiques. Surprisingly, no zachodzimy to any of them, but skrecamy the small street full of stalls with food and souvenirs. Sell \u200b\u200ban equally strange things here as located near the street, which we visited during the first visit to Beijing. A minor difference is that, and scorpions on a stick are alive and waving their spines. Lucy embraces disgust.
next piece, also at the Wangfujing Street, and enter the English-language bookstore. Enormous selection of books - mainly to learn Chinese. For a moment we are tempted to buy myself something, but come to the conclusion that there is so much simpler languages \u200b\u200bthat we do not know ... We also attracts the attention of book about the intriguing-sounding title: "Chinglish". This is a collection of photographs depicting funny mistakes in use of English, which the Chinese are doing plenty. Whether it's in the pub menu or the official plaque at the station. Inscriptions in the style of "Be careful not to be stolen" is a dime a dozen. Laughed head off looking over this position. Unfortunately - the price of 70 yuan is not in our pocket.
In "our" pub discover more delicious dish - a fried pork in pastry, topped a tasty ginger sauce. Licking his fingers. Despite, and perhaps some hard to believe that the dish was without a bone, tasty and well seasoned, it really such already was.
Taking the opportunity, we would like to express my deep regret, and Chinese cuisine as've learned the hard members of the expedition antrpologicznej "Hot on the heels Mark Slowly. "Seriously, even we are no longer funny - just a pity for us," Pimpusiow "who have not tasted what is best in China.
Hostel leave shortly after the 22-nd. After twenty minutes we are already at the station ultrazatloczonym, where they have halted unless all residents of Beijing. The train is a little better, but luckily we have a seat. sprint to the car caused that place to backpack in August also found its (onto smth missed their "bags of sand"). 23.55 - pojezd embarks on way to Shanhaiguan, and we, as usual, we start the game is played.
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