amusing experience was night-time control on the Russian - Ukrainian. Border checks associated with the rather serious procedure, during which he must be duly behave. This time was different - at least from our side. Customs officers dressed as usual and serious as ever. We - the sleepy and under the duvet. Little respect for authority here;) Anyway - about 4 in the morning we enter the Ukraine. There is no person among us who do not leave radowałaby the "enemy," the Russian land. Not that we were rusofobami ...
get off the Kiev railway station shortly after 11-pure. Modern building breathtaking. In this regard, in a duel Ukraine - Poland 1:0, although higher than the Central wakzał Kiev in Warsaw for a few classes, so maybe 5-0 or Knockout? Replace / pay your money and buy a ticket to Lviv (94 hryvnia for plackarta. There were trains and at 70, but at today's currency exchange rate is the difference ichniej 6PLN). Thus, to 22.00 free time in Kyiv. We start to leave luggage in the vault - the price of a lot more friendly than in Russia. Then visit the nearby supermarket. Prices - delightful, especially at the current factors. And I like the Ukraine, because we feel that there powetujemy a rip-off, which we experienced in Moscow.
are walking toward the center. We pass the Kiev University, at which the crowd gruesomely dressed people - blotted out the red Mazi, which is to imitate blood. Slimy dumb. We come to Kiev's main thoroughfare - Chreszczatyku, with its famous Independence Square (Maidan Niezależnosti). Moments later, from a distance, even admire the Orthodox Church. Michael and now we go in search of something to eat. Unfortunately - in the center of Kiev you can forget about a cheap soup. Even with the favorable exchange rate of Ukrainian currency, anything below 10 PLN can not be found. Oh well - back to our market and in the local It is our bar. Cheap, good and enough to eat. Prior to departure time yet delicious Ukrainian beer. Chernobyl, Slavutych, Bile, Obolon - Theme connoisseurs do not have to make these brands.
Point 22nd are leaving the city. We feel clearly that our great expedition comes to an end. To the Polish border was really close ...
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