In the morning we pass the next time zone. Moscow has "only" 4 hours. Morning "shower" awakens us to life. Time to start another "transsybirski day." The first major town on the route is Krasnoyarsk - Until recently, the place where no innostraniec could not set foot. Fortunately, those days are over, so in przydworcowym supermarket buy basic necessities: bread and beer (non-random sequence). Some retailers prefer to pay peronowym twice. Well - the choice (right Matt?;)
landscape outside the window so much different than that of Mongolia and even China. Dense forests are something extraordinary after weeks spent in the Mongolian wilderness. We already have the tip of the first decade of September, so the trees took on a slightly autumnal colors. Przyjemnnie looking out the window, but without exaggeration. How much can you look? On the other hand - what are we to do when so much time and so little space? Reading, playing cards, conversation - all this we have already fed up.
evening zawitaliśmy to Novosibirsk - the capital of the local countryside and one of the largest Russian cities. Moments later, we go to our beds (which has already once today?). This time, however, a longer rest.
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