morning is a visit to Omsk - the largest city in western Siberia, situated near the Kazakh border. The train is no more than 40 - minute stop, so it is a good opportunity to go shopping. Along with Lucyna pass a police patrol car parked and cross the main street przydworcową. The others are not so lucky. Moments later, Russian officers detained them for the transition in an unlawful place. Checking passports, trying wlepienia mandate, instruction. It was fortunate that no financial consequences do not was. Go back to the train and sit down to breakfast. Fresh milk, bought at the store with a nice name "Omsk Bacon", it's really delicious addition to every day of drinking Chinese tea.
train travels an average of 1960-1970 km / h. Therefore, to Moscow, still about 3,000 miles. Almost half of the road behind us.
early afternoon we reach Tumienia, which includes another "walk of platform" linked to purchases. What is important - the outside temperature is really high. Calm is bearable in the short sleeve. We can hardly believe it - especially after experiences before the cold days a few days.
And in the evening as some integrate with the Russians jadącymi to Perm. It is well known in Russia, what is this integration, therefore I will not develop the thought. Some "discerning readers" are ready yet to think that I write only about alkoholizowaniu and doing together. I would add only that there was a "commodity exchange" - in exchange for a handful of Polish gardener got gadgets "Gazprom". I must admit that this unique gift, to the extent unique, that Marian began to wonder if the pass up us across the border. It is worth mentioning that our celebrity-in-chief - hunk Straw set its sights on one of the young pasażerek - Getting married and started a "carving".
Shortly after the Sverdlovsk zawitaliśmy wyprawowicze everyone went to sleep. A straw work ...
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